Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ice cream "mud pie"

Saya dah kawen....yeay!
(Haha...this is not related in any ways to the title above...this is just to explain the absence from this blog for quite some time :P)

Ok guys, lately I've been dying to eat to eat ice cream mud pie (wah! dying sgt la kan :P) Adakah mengidam?? ehehehe...bkn la :P

Sebenarnya, mud pie ni dh lama terngiang2 di kepala saya sejak sekian lama, tp sejak akhir2 semakin melampau2 sampai terpaksa buat jejak kaseh semata2 nk melampiaskan nafsu (woh! ayatku!) yg sekian lama terpendam...makan mud pie ni la :P Pls la ni dirty2 here ok?

The last I eat them during 2005 I guess, @ The Coast, Alamanda. Now they've closed I don't know where to look for them. So my searching begun...

I ask my frens at FB, they said Nandos got them. So saya pon meluru ke nandos hari tu jugak. Malangnya...they served this...